June Release and Updates

A Lesson in Power is now available from all the usual suspects, Amazon, Smashwords, with iTunes bringing up the rear once they are approved (any day now). Why they take so much longer is anyone’s guess, but its what we have to deal with. Note exciting new header at the top of this site.

Finally solved the iTunes problems I was having when a very nice representative answered by pitiful email on not seeing any errors. She pointed out that all submissions must now pass an EPUB validator before getting accepted. Unfortunately, the one she sent me too has issues with verifying the UUID code generated by all of my EPUB generating programs (Scrivener, Pages), so that ran me in circles for awhile. Once I fixed all the other problems and decided to ignore the UUID error all my short stories uploaded fine and appeared in my book dashboard. Yippee!

Decided that the name Dreams of Yesterday was too blasé and changed it to Amaranthine Dreams, which I like much better, go me! As you can see, both it and Nemesis Probe got lots of love last Sunday when I managed to write almost 3000 words between them in a single day. I’m loving it when the ideas are flowing and the writing follows. Also, updated the cover for A Painful Blessing to have a bit more contrast and color as well.

As I produce more work the level of things I must do to keep everything in sync is rising fast. I may have to hold back on doing some actions as I go forward, reserving them for block changes at specific times. It’s a learning curve.

Did the same with An Empire Forgotten this morning. Did a new prologue of around 1500+ words that should pull some of the major ideas together much better. Also, been reading the novel again to remind myself of what I wrote and am consistently surprised at how not-bad some of it actually sounds. Lots of awkward places as well, and areas that will change, but I am not unhappy with portions of it at all.

Busy week ahead. Another editing class on Tuesday as well a new Iron Druid novel release, then a Todd Rundgren concert on Wednesday (w00t), and plenty of work to do at my day job. No rest for the wicked.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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