Long Hiatus, No Excuse

Built for Murder

Built for Murder

Been a long hot summer here and not a lot to show for it as far as writing is concerned.

Have done some work on editing and trying to complete some stories but have to admit my enthusiasm has been low. I started to think of my Archer and Hieronymus adventures as “my epic fantasy fail” simply because I seem unable to solve (to my satisfaction) the plotting issues that plague the first third of the novel. Thought I had a handle on it but now think I was just fooling myself.

The last couple of weeks have been better as I’ve turned to some new projects just to keep the writing pump flowing. Started another sci-fi short called Enigma Station and made some nice headway on it when I decided to go completely off-track and write that murder mystery that’s been kicking around in my head for years. So far, it is moving along well. Wrote almost 10,000 words in three days, enough to complete the first three chapters and make dents into the next three. Not sure how far I’ll get before I run out of stream, but my brain is buzzing, my fingers are aching, and I fall asleep working on upcoming scenes to write next.

Fall is nearly here. Rained a couple of nights ago and the temperature has fallen enough that I turned off the AC and can leave the doors and windows open for fresh air. The kids, Java and Misty of course, are loving the fact that dad has left the door open so they can run in and out without asking. Just have to make sure they don’t bring in any gecko or bird surprises.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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