A Good Week for Writing

Managed to do some serious writing this week as well as plenty of editing.

First, I outlined the last few scenes in Built for Murder to ensure that all the pieces in play would land where necessary so the story would end as planned. Then in a burst of energy I managed to write over 2300+ words to set all the final scenes in motion. Things were going so well I kept trying to break for lunch and couldn’t as I had just one more scene to write while it was in my head.

Then, because I can’t help myself I ran with yet another idea that burst into my head and started a new science fiction story placed in the newly named Personalities Universe series. Nemesis Probe fits in the universe as does this new story that includes my take on a very old cartoon character with an eating disorder I fell in love with as a child. I took that characters appearance and added a bit of Dr Who mystery and voila, a wonderful addition to the story. The outline of the universe is taking shape as I write the stories and I hope others will enjoy spending time there as well. As more information gets nailed down I might share a bit of this future with you.

Then I did a couple of days editing Pirates of Misfortune for release. Followed the helpful advise in a new writing book I purchased on editing and made several passes through the manuscript cleaning up what I thought was an already clean story into something tighter and more readable. And I learned a lot while doing it. I’m already finding myself writing slightly cleaner prose as some of the advise stuck and when I see it on the page I immediately eradicate it from the story. Should mean less editing in the future, fingers crossed.

Monday is the start of Apple’s WWDC conference so I’m looking forward to hearing about what’s coming up for the next year. Hopefully a new Apple TV as my current one is starting to crap out. Between HBO and other channels, it seems to abort itself way more often than I’m used to. My version is old enough that it can’t use the latest software updates so I’m sure that is part of my troubles.

The rain has finally stopped and the heat is creeping up on us now. Has been closing on 90 degrees for the last week which forced me to shut my windows and turn on the air to stop the sweating. Hopefully that means that grass mowing will be slowing down soon, which means I might become a happier man without yard work always threatening.

That’s all for now.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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