Carving Time Released

Carving Time coverToday I’m releasing my latest short story Carving Time to all the usual suspects (Amazon, iTunes, Smashwords) for distribution. My beta readers all loved the story and had some wonderful comments that helped make it even better. So let’s give all of them a hand, thx.

The basis for Carving Time actually started almost 4 years ago when I read a news article about the discovery of a petrified bone with the carving of a mammoth on it, in Florida, as reported in this NPR story.

For those who don’t follow the latest in mammoth news, evidence has been mounting that indicates mastodons, or mammoths, might have survived until almost modern times, give or take 5-10,ooo years. Anyway, I loved the idea but couldn’t wrestle the story into submission at the time, so I added it to my idea book and left it to simmer.  Then a few weeks ago a second idea mind-melded with the first and voila, the story almost wrote itself.

Carving Time also marks yet another self-publishing first for me as it’ll be released less than 2 months after Pirates of Misfortune, with barely 50 days separating their publication dates. And, as I write this I’ve scheduled Saving Brackett Station for release at the start of September. I send it out to beta readers this week and I’m crossing my fingers it too makes the cut.

Wish me luck.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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