Welcome to turovich.com

The secret is no more, announcing turovich.com, home to the official L Frank Turovich web site.

You might be asking why? It’s only been since March 2011 that you even started blogging about your writing, why jump on a domain so quickly? Plenty of reasons actually. If the goal is to be a successful writer in this day and age it takes a dedicated site to interact with your readers. While Blogspot was great for opening a dialog with my readers, it did not have the features I really wanted for my site. Things like plenty of storage space, lots and lots of unique pages, ability to really customize the site as desired, ability to add forums, wikis, mail, ftp, and a host of other capabilities were simply not possible. So I looked around and found a hosting site, paid my money, and began building this site.

As you can see, lots of changes with more to come. Still lots of content to add and organize and new ideas to pursue between writing efforts. Today, I updated several pages, added lots of new ones, did some minor customization, and generally got it ready to release. Still need to add in the draft pages for An Empire Forgotten, a link to the PDF version, and other details. Look for those soon.

Finally, I began announcing it to the world.

Let me know what you think.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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