It Lives (Storms that is)

Just finished the first rewrite of Storms on an Opal Sea. After 6 years it can finally move on and take its place among my short story collection. Will be sending it out for reading feedback soon, then onto an editing phase. With any luck we can publish it in May 2019.

In other news I plan to reveal the new cover for Built for Murder soon. Got some minor changes to make on text placement and it’ll be ready. Am targeting mid-April for the reveal in hopes it coincides with placing the ebook on Amazon for pre-orders, yet another first.

Am still plotting out Festival of Murder and hope to finalize that soon so I can continue writing it. Got the major plot threads in mind, now it’s a matter of weaving them together into the best story I can. Up until now I’ve mainly been a discovery writer, writing things in sequence with maybe knowing one or two scenes I wanted to include, then linking them together. For efficiency though I really want to make all the major decisions first, then fill in the story based on a fluid outline.

Anyway, its only Tuesday and I already feel successful. w00t!

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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