Some Final Planning

So, that last chapter went fast since I’d already written portions of it several months ago. However, the story has been growing and evolving in directions I hadn’t originally planned, so it was time to reevaluate where I was and make some adjustments. Therefore, am spending some time this weekend simply revising the plot to bring it more in line with the current story. That means redoing the outline, adding and deleting scenes, adjusting attitudes, you name it.

It was also a time for me to use some of the new things I’ve learned during the last few months of research to improve the story, how I do the plotting, how to plan character arcs, etc. It’s surprising how many things need to be juggled in a novel with a large cast of characters. In doing this I’m also addressing some of the issues I’ve already identified as needing work in the earlier chapters. Things that made sense then but maybe not so much now that the story is nearing completion. And by nearing completion I really mean within 15 chapters of being done. LOL

In my new detailed outline the novel could be complete in as few as 24 chapters, but I suspect that’s a bit early and some things are likely to stretch out. I’m trying to keep each chapter about 4000 words, so if they go longer, some may be split up. Also, as the novel careens to a conclusion, chapters should get a bit shorter to match the increased pace the characters should be feeling as we reach the novel’s conclusion.

So, early says 24 chapters, but I suspect 28 is the better count.

Only time will tell. Meanwhile, not that I know what’s happening, I’ve got more writing to do.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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