Chronicles of Bulinnärm

Chronicles of Bulinnärm ebook coverBulinnärm, a world of adventure and danger, where legends walk the earth and gods interfere. This collection of stories covers 1000 years of history and ranges across the Three Realms of Bulinnärm, Alexiandromor, and Ulax.

Within you’ll meet Bergulf, a clansman eager for adventure and recognition; Hieronymus, a young man being hunted for his nascent abilities; Ruele, a prince of Tagoore on the run after an omen turns his kingdom against him; and Master Librarian Alethea seeking answers in the wrong part of town.

Includes these previously released short stories:

Here is a first preview of the wraparound cover I’ll be using for the printed book:

Chronicles of Bulinnärm Wraparound cover

Available Nov 2015 in both ebook and print editions, exclusively on Amazon.

Copyright 2015 by L Frank Turovich