November Chaos

Civ III cover artIt’s November and I’ve a ton of things to do. First, some status updates:

  • Houses for sale in MO are seeing some interest but no offers yet. Much better than I anticipated for this time of year but the prices are right, so we’ll just have to wait and see.
  • Am coordinating to get some interior painters into this house to prep it for sale next spring and will be ordering and having installed a new garage door as well. That takes care of about 90% of the stuff I need to do to be ready to place this home up for sale. Now, if I could just motivate myself to keep getting rid of the stuff I don’t want to move with me I’d be doing great.
  • Ordered the new 4th generation Apple TV to replace my 2nd edition. Am looking forward to enjoying the new capabilities and seeing if this adds another couple of billion dollars to Apple’s rising revenue stream. Bought the 32GB version as I saw no reason I’d need the 64GB one based on my low usage levels and requirements.
  • kangaroo_pc

    The Kangaroo PC

    Ordered a Kangaroo PC (2GB RAM, 1.44GHz) to play Civilization III on. Basically, I ran into an issue where the Steam version of Civ III refused to run in my VMware virtual machine. Launch, dialog, quit, all too fast to read the message. This was unacceptable. So along comes the Kangaroo, a $99 PC with Windows 10 and the size of a paperback. I enjoy Civ III so much it was worth it to order. Should be here in a week or so.

  • Will finalize the next proof copy for the printed version of Chronicles of Bulinnärm and get it out asap. Once I can review that we’ll be all set to go. Will probably upload the ebook versions a week early and offer pre-orders. Yay, another first.
  • Got feedback from my writing group on An Angry Mountain, so some editing to do there and it should be about ready for production. Just need to design another great cover and everything will be a go.
  • And its NaNoWriMo this month. A national contest the encourages people to write 50k words in just a month, or about 1666 words a day, every day. I’ve decided to use Festival of Murder as my WiP choice and will see how far I can tell the story in the next few weeks.
  • In addition, come Thanksgiving, its another drive to and from MO to enjoy the holiday with my siblings, or about 24 hours in the car, so gotta plan for time away from the keyboard.

Whew, that list is longer than I thought. I better get started.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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