Updates for Early November

The second printed proof of Chronicles of Bulinnärm arrived a day early and I hate it.

Okay, not hate it, hate it.

I made changes to that version to fix some minor issues I found and now it looks like I overcompensated a bit. Specifically, the cover is a bit too large and the top to bottom symmetry that was just fine in the first proofs is now totally out of whack. So, its back to the drawing board to fix it.

The inside is mostly fine. Every story starts on an odd-numbered page which ensures they appear on the right of an open book, the copyright page is exactly where it needs to be for a printed version. The only bug in this version is a letter section what extends beyond the right edge of the printed page, cropping out some letters/words from view.  Have already fixed that problem in the latest version so we’re fine.

So, a revised cover and interior and everything should be perfect now. Right?

On the NaNoWriMo front things haven’t been going so well until today. With all the little tasks I need to do to prepare the house for sale, revising other book contents to include the latest releases, and designing covers, I’ve not had too much time to write. We’re five days into it and I suspect I’m already two days behind in word count.

Shadow_Magazine_Vol_1_35I did manage to do some catching up today, however, adding some 2600+ words to Festival of Murder. I may only be a day behind now, if I’m lucky. Will continue to do my best but it looks like the painters will be working for around five days, creating the exact kind of chaos not conducive to producing and type of writing or word count.

OTOH, The Shadow’s prolific author Walter B. Gibson, writing as Maxwell Grant, was said to have once had a deadline for a new Shadow story approaching while his summer cabin was being built in upstate New York. He ordered the carpenters to build him a desk in the middle of the floor and not only met the deadline for that story but used the desk to write many more Shadow adventures over the following decades.

I guess that means I shouldn’t have any problem with the painters, they being much less noisy than carpenters. I guess I’ll find out.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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