Oh my, Storms on an Opal Sea completed!

Dear Mr. Watterson

Dear Mr. Watterson

Hey gang, long time no posts. Sorry about that, just haven’t had the energy or will to actually write much until just the last couple of weeks. A lull in output that I hope has passed.

The big news, as revealed in the post title, is that after 2 years I finally finished Storms on an Opal Sea! Yes, my second short story idea, started immediately after finishing A Missing Wizard is finally complete and out for review and comment.

What happened was I had a hole in my novel writing and needed something for review at one of the critique groups I attend. With nothing else on hand I dug into my pile of WIPs and pulled it out, did some minor clean-up and passed it out for comment. What I got back really got me thinking about the story, so I went in with new energy and rewrote some parts, adapted previously written material, and cut, cut, cut away a lot of dross to slim it down from the 8500 words it was reaching for to a svelte 6036 words. Whew!

And I’ve got a plan for Amaranthine Dreams that I’m working toward as well. If work wasn’t so busy right now I think I’d have more energy to do stuff at night, but everything aches after 8 hours at work writing, my hands, my wrists, even my butt, and I just have to take a break. But progress will happen.

Now it’s time for a break. Going to rent and watch Dear Mr. Watterson, a new documentary on the creator of the Calvin & Hobbes comic.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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