Shilling for Friends


Mike King, the husband of my ex-wife Lora finally released his first CD called Street Pajama Bottoms. It’s available at all fine digital music outlets like iTunes, Amazon, and many others. A very eclectic mix of musical styles ranging from jazz, funk, rock, reggae, and others that I haven’t yet totally wrapped my head around, but I am liking parts of it.

So if you looking for something different to listen to, this CD may be the one.

UPDATE: I’ve had a chance to listen through the CD a few times this week and it does have a couple of nice songs. I’m especially impressed by the production quality. It sounds to my musically untrained ear, as if they did a really great job on the production end. Best of luck Mike.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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