Chapter 8 Posted

In this chapter:

Alethea and Hieronymus begin work on the codex, Archer meets them both and Hieronymus is immediately suspicious of the young assassin, the Hand closes in on Archer.

You may note some continuity issues in this chapter. Unfortunately those can’t be fixed until I get a chance to edit the previous chapters to clear up the problem, so please just ignore them and enjoy the rest of the story as is.

Onto chapter 9 which should finish out the introduction section of the book. Am currently at 32,100 words and approximately 133 printed pages, so the first quarter of the book should weight in around 38,000 words and ~150 printed pages. 
A good start.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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