Alexiandrölarn: An Empire Forgotten Released

Alexiandrölarn: An Empire Forgotten

It took longer than I wanted but it’s finally here, the release of my latest novella, Alexiadrölarn: An Empire Forgotten to the Amazon KDP list. For those that don’t know, KDP is Amazon’s monthly reading program. You pay $10 a month and can read any of the thousands of books in the program as desired. I’m hoping that some people will give this one a chance and come looking for more.

Normally I release my stories to Amazon, Apple Books, and Smashwords to achieve the widest distribution possible. To date this has been a dismal failure. Sales trickle in like water drops from a leaky faucet. The release of Built for Murder got the best response I ever had and even that amount wouldn’t pay for a dinner. To say I’m disappointed at my sales so far is too dramatic.

I’ve always hoped for more sales and thought going to longer stories would help, yet so far they’ve sunk without comment. I needed approximately 150 sales to recover my direct costs for BfM (cover design) yet I’ve only had a handful so far. Not hard to see the reason when there are literally thousands of books released everyday on all of the above distribution platforms and my marketing has been minimal.

Anyway, I keep plugging away in hopes that they’ll take off someday. So here’s even more chum in the water to attract readers.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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