The Missing Wizard short story

My new short story The Missing Wizard is available for your reading enjoyment here. It’s the first story written in the Archer & Hieronymus universe that doesn’t deal directly with them. Instead it follows Master Librarian Alethea as she tries to find out more about Hieronymus after he disappears on her. Along the way she meets Saara and the two bond immediately.

The plan is to publish this as a short story on Amazon, and other self-publishing sites, in order to gain some publishing process experience before its time to release my first novel. The hope is that this story and others to follow will prime the pump, or the interest in readers for the full length novel set in the same universe.

In addition, this is my first publication since releasing my programming books in the mid-90’s, and the first fiction I’ve ever released at all. So, a big moment in my journey to becoming a fiction writer phenomenon.

I hope you enjoy it.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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