Revised Site Design + Idle Thoughts

So, today I was bored and decided to play around with the layout for the site. Blogger has some nice templates and they allow the site owner to make modifications to many of the common elements so you can adjust the look of your site to best suit your mood or design considerations.

Am still struggling with this blog. Originally, it was to be a place to host my WIP novel for reviews and comments, but since I’m not a very social person until I get to know someone, the initial list of people invited was limited. As I do more research on what needs to happen to make it successful, aside from just being a great story, the one constant message is being “social”. To all of you who have provided feedback, thank you. I really appreciate it.

Today, being social means having a page on Facebook and using Twitter. I am currently on neither.

My opinions are still forming on those two subjects and I definitely don’t have a plan for using them yet, although its obvious I need to as some point. At least, that’s what all the self-publishers are saying I should do.

The other issue running through my mind is that, if I plan to be a serious writer, then maybe I need a more serious site, one dedicated to all of my writing. Bulinnarm Adventures made sense when I first created it since my initial ideas for stories centered around epic fantasy novels. But there’s this murder mystery I’ve had in mind since living in Tucson, and a comic science fiction story that I would like to pursue. Somehow, I don’t see them residing on this blog site.

So, am playing around with several ideas. One is simply moving to a dedicated blogging service, the other is actually acquiring a domain where I can do almost anything I want including, but not limited to: email, forums, wikis, and other wild ideas.

Of course, this idea works much better when I have some dedicated followers. That means getting the first book done and out the door ASAP, then wait to see what happens. Still months of work to make that happen, but things are going well so far and at my current pace I foresee completing the first draft near the end of July, early August time frame.

Won’t that be great? I think so. Been working on this novel since April 2010, this version anyway, and to see the end in sight is gratifying. The second book is in the mid plotting stage and I hope to jump into it with a couple of weeks of finishing the first. The plan is the second novel won’t take over a year to complete.

Assuming my fingers don’t fall off first. LOL

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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