Labor Day Weekend Progress

So, how was your Labor Day? Me? Oh, I kept busy all weekend writing, reading, surfing the web, enjoying our relatively cool days here in Texas (upper 90’s versus upper 100’s). You know, the usual.

This weekend was my most productive session in a long time. I thought I did good during the 4th of July week I took off. Well, the last three days was even better. Wrote and released for review 3 chapters in An Empire Embattled, a total of over 13k words, and have a couple more chapters over half written. Guess that shows what you can do when you know your characters, know the plot, and simply need to fill in the blank pages to make it all come together.

Amazing, at least to me, I’ve gone from barely 3% book completion to over 15% in a single weekend! Wow! If I can keep up something close to this pace I might be done by x-mas, even with all my upcoming travel plans.

Then, just because I could, I read 4 entire books, approximately one a day if we count Friday, for a break. Yeah, a break. Started with the Twenty Palaces novels by John Connolly (Child of Fire, Game of Cages, and Circle of Enemies), then moved onto A Dance of Cloaks, Book 1 of the Shadowdance Trilogy by David Dalglish.

Wanted to see a movie of two, but of course Hollywood’s idea of big releases for a holiday weekend sucked big time. Looking over the next few months I don’t see anything very appealing coming up worth seeing either. Maybe the new Sherlock Holmes flick, but only because Noomi Rapace, the star of the foreign-made The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series is in it. That’s really sad too. Not Noomi, Hollywood. I love good stories and good movies, and Hollywood’s so anxious to make money and yet they do everything they can to f**k it up before the movie has a chance at an audience.

Just to be brief, if half the studios spent half as much time on improving their stories as Pixar does, I think they would have much better reviews and pull more people into theater seats. Why is it an animation company barely 20 years old can tell better, more human stories then studios that have been around for over 80+ years? Why? Because they care about story?

Instead, we get travesties like Transformers: Dark of the Moon, and other dreck, with no originality, poor characterization, illogical motives, and a plot a dyslexic moron could drive starliners through. But, we do get special effects, yessiree, we can sure blows s**t up real fine.

Finally, I wrote this and other posts since I’m starting to have so much to say about everything around me. A real chatterbox anymore, that’s me.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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