No Chap 18 Yet – The Missing Voice

So, the last week has been hard.

As seen in the previous post I sat down and outlined the remainder of book 1 and starting plotting book 2 to ensure that the story transition is as smooth as I can make it. However, now that I know where I’m going, all I need to do is write it. Simply, right? ARGH!

Not really.

Been struggling with chapter 18 all week and just can’t seem to write anything that doesn’t read like dreck to me. The voice is just not there at all. After much thought I realized that maybe the reason I couldn’t push through this chapter was because nothing really happens in it, no fights, no revelations, no reveals of background. Its just a walkthrough of the city and keep, blah. Really need to rework the plot so that something happens in this chapter, otherwise, why is it here?

OTOH, since I have a complete outline, I simply moved onto chapter 19 and wrote that instead, easy and smooth, no trouble with voice, or with things happening, plenty to write about. Two days and voila, almost a complete chapter.

So, the plan is to rework chapters 18 and 19 over the weekend by moving some scenes around so that both have something interesting to say, then write the missing scenes and release.


Artwork from and copyright ©2010-2011 by JayAxer.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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