Posted Chapter 22 – The Nest


vashina, by l frank turovich

SynopsisHieronymus is dragged before the Overseer Ryuzheniah, leader of the Nest, and interrogated. Archer follows hoping to rescue Hieronymus. The Nest Mother is informed of the intruders. (~3597 words)

Glossary: Eupsilion, Ryuzheniah, Nest Mother 

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Background: If you’ve been following my posts you know that I was having a heckuva time completing this chapter. I knew most of what needed to happen here but something was truly missing and leaving a gaping hole I couldn’t seem to jump over. I thought having a week off over the 4th of July weekend would get me past the hump, a critical portion of the story, but while I wrote a lot of scenes in four different chapters, this one was still empty.

Finally, finally, on Tuesday morning I woke up with the answer. Yippee! It was 5AM in the morning, but I jumped up and ran to the computer to start writing. Before I went to work I added 600 words to the chapter. After work, I added more for a total of 1137 words by the end of the day, and the chapter was done. Came home today, did a read through and some editing, and have now released it.

Image: A vashina, a fairy creature introduced into my D&D campaign set in Bulinnärm when I was the DM. I forget what her capabilities were but liked to draw the unique monsters and NPCs my players encountered as often as I could to show them at the appropriate reveal time.

So far, Archer and Hieronymus have not met one of these creatures, but who knows what might happen in the future.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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