Posted Chapter 26 – Escape

Synopsis: Biscuit helps the party escape from Mithdros Dhuruuk. Archer and Hieronymus devise a plan to defeat the Hand, while Cashille, the informer, throws in with the party over the Hand. They manage to separate Briand from the other Hand members but then things go awry.  (~3487 words)

Book PDF: Click here.

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Image: Viewed Captain America: The First Avenger movie last weekend and found it a nice addition to the Marvel superhero movie juggernaut. Story was your typical origin story, but what was really nice was the visual homages to artist Jack Kirby, one of the two creators of Captain America, Joe Simon being the other. What really made it special to me was the use of imagery reminiscent of Kirby’s dynamic work, the open neck original costume with triangular shield, the original comic cover with him punching Hitler, him leaping across a fiery factory, and other small details. It’s those type of details that let old fans know the people that made the movie loved the material as much as the viewer.

About lfrank

Now suffering in the hinterlands of Michigan while trying to transform myself into a fiction author. Don't wait up.
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